31 Tips for Successfully Introducing New Pets to Existing Pets

31 Tips for Successfully Introducing New Pets to Existing Pets

How exciting!   You’ve made that heartfelt, sometimes big, decision to adopt or bring another furry face to your household. It’s a very happy time, but somewhere in the midst, you will probably find yourself asking silently (or out loud) “how are my current furballs going to get along with the new one(s)?” Like most things with animals, there’s often a learning curve.  And that learning curve can change day to day?  Where do they like to sleep?  What are their communication habits? How are they in new environments?

Debbie Henry, founder of Animal Angel Aid, “Sometimes, despite all your research on bringing a new cat or dog into your home with a resident cat or dog, there can still the unanticipated or unexpected reactions. To help make the transition smoother for you, your family, your current fur-children and your new furry family members, we have created this blog with 31 tips to get started off on the right paw.”

Introducing a cat to a home with another cat(s):

There is no general scientific rule for what is the best combination of cats in a household.  Everyone you ask will probably provide a different answer or opinion on whether males are better with females, males with males, females with females, adults with kittens or even kittens with kittens. What works best for you & your household, might not even be workable for another family. The key underlying factors are cat temperament, socialization and if there are known behavior considerations from the new or current pet. Just because either “fluffy” is super sweet on their own, doesn’t necessarily mean they are going to openly accept “fluffy #2”.    This is often due to territory issues, improper introductions, and human tension when things don’t often go as planned. Good news though, it is certainly possible to acclimate cats of all ages to one another. Keep in mind that this introduction can take anywhere from days to weeks to months. The most important suggestion is to do the introduction slowly. Your ultimate goal is to prevent fearful and aggressive behavior amongst the cats. Your patience and understanding will help your cats adjust as well.

Here are a few tips on introducing a new cat to the household according to https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/introducing-pets

  • As a rescue, one of the first things we recommend is to use hypo-allergenic pet wipes, maybe with a soft natural scent. Wipe all pets in the household down with the wipes.   That way the playing field is even for scents.  
  • New cats coming out of foster or shelter situations in communal living will be bringing home the combined smells of all their former friends. Your current fluffy could be terrified after one smell of fluffy#2 who appears as a cat with multiple cat smells.  
  • Place the new cat or kitten in their own room. Make sure they have a supply of food, water, litter, scratching posts and toys. Make it feel like home for them, so they are comfortable.
  • Feed the resident cat and the new cat on opposite sides of the door so they begin to associate positive actions with each other’s smells.
  • Scent swapping is a great way to get each cat used to the other cat’s smells. You can either swap their blankets and beds or you can take a washcloth and rub it on the new cat and then place it by the food dish of the resident cat. This is another way to teach them to associate positive actions with the smell of the new friend. 
  • At this point, you can do a short switch of location. This means let the new cat roam around the home (one to two new rooms at a time). While this is happening, keep your resident cat in the private space that has been occupied by the new cat. Do this for a short period of time and then switch them back.
  • Make sure you are spending quality time with both cats to make sure neither feels forgotten about. 
  • Now, you can slowly prop the door open ever so slightly so they can get a glimpse at each other face to face. 
  • When you let them interact for the first time, some hissing might happen. That is okay and normal. However, if you notice signs of upset and tension such as flattened ears, growling, spitting or crouching, separate them so they can be reassured that they are safe and secure by their humans.   Do not pick them up or hold them during the introductions as you could get hurt should someone get frightened. 
  • Reward them with toys and treats for good behavior and also to distract them if they are becoming overstimulated or upset. 
  • Always remember that some cats will never be best friends but if you can get them to peacefully coexist, you have been successful.

Introducing a dog to a resident dog:

Introducing a new dog to a resident dog is very different from introducing a new cat to a resident cat. This takes different steps and a different approach.   According to the Animal Humane Society, https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/adoption/introducing-new-pet-your-household

  • The initial meet and greet should be in a neutral location for both dogs. Do not have it in your home. As with all animals, it is important that you let them meet each other slowly and do it very carefully. It is important to note that you should not just throw the two dogs together and let them figure it out on their own. That can backfire and put both dogs at risk.
  • Make sure they are both on leashes for their initial meet. Keep them approximately 10 feet apart so they get a sense for one another but are not on top of one another. The space between them will reduce the tension.
  • For future interactions during the introduction, it is important to still have a leash on, but you can leave it dragging so they can walk near each other. Let the two dogs briefly sniff one another and then call them away so that you end all meetings on a positive note.
  • When it is time to bring your dog home and into your home, let them meet outside in your yard first. Let the resident dog in first and then bring the new dog inside. Keep this interaction short, sweet and positive. If you sense tension or upset, immediately separate them and start the interaction process over.
  • Even once the introduction is done, it would be suggested to keep them in separate rooms or crates when you are not home to supervise.
  • Make sure your new dog has their own new toys, bed, food bowls, etc. Your new dog probably already has a routine and their favorites. This will help eliminate any potential territorial disputes because Rover#2 wants Rover#1’s favorite sleeping spot or chew toy.
  • Share the love. Make sure all furry children get equal love & attention, especially at the start.   It’s important for each to feel they have their own special place in the family and are not threatened/intimidated by the new change.
  • As always, reward good behavior!

Introducing a cat and dog:

When introducing a cat to a dog, you will find some similar suggestions as to acclimating cat to cat or dog to dog. The following tips will hopefully help create a lasting friendship between your pets.

  • Make sure that your cat has access to a separate room that the dog does not have access to. Make sure the cat also has high areas they can jump to in case they need to escape the dog. This private room should be secure with a door, celling and have all of their necessary supplies.
  • When introducing a new animal to the home, keep them apart for a few days. You will want to let them adjust to the sounds and smells of the new canine or feline friend before allowing them to meet face-to-face.
  • Similar to introducing a cat to another cat, you should feed them on opposite sides of the doors, so they associate positivity with the scent of one another.
  • It is important to try and teach your dogs some simple commands such as sit, down and come so you can stop any concerning behavior. 
  • When it comes time to introduce the pets, introduce them in a common area of the home. Make sure it is not one of their safe spaces. Those spaces should remain safe spaces for each pet. 
  • Initially, keep your dog on a leash so you have control over where the dog goes. Let the cat go around and walk around and sniff the dog. 
  • Do not restrain either pet in your arms as they can get startled and hurt you. 
  • Reward both pets for good, calm, positive behavior and actions.
  • If you begin to sense tension or stress, try to calmly distract them with a toy or food and redirect their behavior to something else. At this point, put them back in their safe places.
  • Do this activity daily and try to end each introduction session before either pet gets stressed or angry.
  • When you are ready to let your dog be loose with the cat, keep the dog on a leash on the floor so if you needed to, you could grab the leash and separate them.
  • Even after it is going well, you should keep the pets separated when you are not around to supervise the behaviors and interactions.

Most animals love to have the companionship of another animal and the transition is relatively smooth and quick. However, there are times when some animals find it more challenging to acclimate to their new furry family members, and cannot coexist as easily as you had originally hoped. At that point, a trained expert is what you need to help guide you down the path of peace. Have a conversation with your vet or an animal behaviorist/trainer.   They will happily be able to shed some additional expert tips, and additional resources, that could help find a solution that works for you and your furry children. The ultimate goal is one big family cohabitating peacefully under one roof.  Hopefully as furry best friends, but if not, then in a manner where tolerance and acceptance is just as golden. 

Simply Fostering Animals Can Make the U.S. No-Kill

Simply Fostering Animals Can Make the U.S. No-Kill

Fostering animals is, simply put, saving lives.  Giving the gift of love, and volunteering to be a homeless animal foster saves lives.  To foster an animal is to temporarily keep a homeless pet in your home until they are adopted or they can be taken into an animal shelter or rescue facility.  Almost every shelter, and especially rescue group, relies on foster homes at some point to take care of rescued pets until they have room.  Some rescue groups are run entirely through foster care.

“If less than 2% of pet-owning households in the U.S. fostered ONE pet per year, we could ELIMINATE unnecessary euthanasia in animal shelters tomorrow.” – Susanne Kogut, President of The Petco Foundation

“Fostering a homeless animal while they wait to find their furever home is one of the most IMPORTANT elements of all foster based rescues.  Without foster families, rescues simply cannot save animals in need.  Fostering is GIVING the GIFT OF LOVE to an animal in need.  I’ve been a short and long-term medical foster, hospice foster, orphaned kitten foster, holiday foster — all the most rewarding experiences ever knowing the difference we made in the lives of such deserving animals.”

Debbie Henry

Director, Animal Angel Aid

As wonderful as animal shelters & rescue facilities are, they can be stressful to animals due to the noise, lack of sufficient exercise/socialization, and comfort to the scared.   Many shelters lack volunteer resources to provide 24/7 care for neo-natal puppies and kittens.   For a scared or animal with special needs, there’s nothing like the love and warmth of a family!  Animals in foster care tend to be less stressed, better socialized, and have a lower chance of getting sick than animals in shelters.


Many times, certain rescued animals are not best suited for a shelter, caged environment.  They could be a very timid stray, an owner give up that has always been in a home, or have a medical condition where the stress of shelter/caged living could make their illness worse. Special needs’ animals with a disability, injury rehabilitation or an older pet who needs more frequent TLC and attention are often also not suited for crowded, noisy shelter atmospheres .


Newborn puppies/kittens – especially bottle babies, are very vulnerable to illness and often understaffed or non-existent neo-natal volunteers at a traditional shelter.   These babies, often hours/days old absolutely need to be in an experienced foster home where their health & feedings is monitored round the clock for the first 3-4 weeks.  It’s a well-known fact that many shelters will euthanize these tiny newborns, often on intake, simply because they lack round-the-clock resources for their care.   A foster volunteer can 100% save these babies lives from an uncertain shelter fate! 


Fostering, like any other type of volunteering, takes compassion, commitment, work and a lot of patience. It can be a one-time situation, but for others, they are life-long foster parents.   For most people, it is very rewarding to watch an animal in your care:

  • thrive
  • be mended back to health
  • be placed in its forever home
  • be comfortable during end-of-life care

Fostering is a great way to help shelters with the responsibility of care to animals who are not ready to go to their permanent homes or need some extra care. Not only will you help animals in need, but it’s a great way to connect to a community and feel good about what you’re doing.   While most people choose to foster dogs or cats, there are also rescues for hamsters, rabbits, horses, and other animals.


If you have lots of love and time to care for an animal but not the money, fostering may be a great option for you. Many shelters/rescue groups provide foster parents with the food, medicine, and other supplies needed to take care of foster animals.  


Often, many people come up with excuses not to foster. They think they’re too busy, or they don’t want to get attached to an animal they’ll have to give up in even a few weeks.  If you simply refrain your thoughts, you should realize it’s literally about saving an animal’s life versus your own personal emotions.   Even hospice fostering a terminally ill homeless animal for a rescue/shelter, provides an incredible sense of love, compassion and accomplishment knowing you gave that animal a “home, a family, TLC, and a sense of worth” at the end of their life which it wouldn’t have known had the animal been left to live those hours/days out alone in a cage.


You could also simply be helping a pet’s owner who finds themselves in situations where they temporarily cannot take care of their pet.  This could be a result of:

  • hospitalized
  • entering domestic abuse shelters
  • dealing with a natural disaster

Pet ownership is a great responsibility, and sometimes people don’t realize this. Maybe your kids are begging for a new pet, but you’re not sure they’re really ready.   Are you possibly entering a different phase of your life, and missing a pet, but not sure you’re ready for a life-long commitment.   As a foster, you will experience all the roles of pet ownership — feeding, playing, administering medication, and the general overall care for the animal, but as a temporary foster.  However, as fostering is a temporary situation, if you realize ownership isn’t right for you, you at least have provided a good start before the animal finds its permanent home.


The term “failed foster” is proudly shared in the rescue world.   This is when you have fallen so in love and bonded with a very special foster, that you officially adopt them yourself.  A failed foster is a badge of honor that has a universal, unspoken definition.   

CAN I ADOPT THE DOG or CAT I FOSTER?   YES, by going thru the rescue/shelter’s organization process

I HAVE A PET?   CAN I STILL BE A FOSTER PARENT?   YES, if your current pet is compatible with the foster dog or cat.  It could be therapeutic & beneficial for both animals

WILL I BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS AS A FOSTER?   This varies from rescue to rescue — there are many options typically available to create WIN-WIN-WIN situations for animal-foster-rescue.

WHAT’S THE FIRST STEP TO BE A FOSTER?   Contact your local rescue/shelter and tell them “I’M READY TO SAVE A LIFE or 2!?   

Here are seven reasons why you should consider becoming a foster parent:


  1.    Fostering increases an animal’s chance of getting adopted. 
  2.   Your own pets will learn more social skills. 
  3.   You get to see if you’re ready to own another pet.
  4.   You probably already have the space for one more.
  5.   You can choose how to foster.  Only want to foster bulldogs? Prefer to look after kittens? Can’t foster for more than a few months at a time? Most rescues can accommodate your requests, as long as you agree to it beforehand and give them plenty of notice about changes.
  6.   Fostering keeps animals out of shelters.
  7.   You are saving a life!

Bottom line of Fostering.   You feel good + your shelter or rescue group helps more animals = foster pets that are happy, healthy, and well-socialized. TOTAL WIN, WIN, WIN!


Are you open to help make the U.S. NO-KILL just by FOSTERING?   It’s an easy and fun experience guaranteed to change your life and the life of a deserving animal!  Reach out to your local shelter or rescue today and just ask!   Your life will be changed instantly for the better !

7 Ways You Can Help FREE Chained Dogs

7 Ways You Can Help FREE Chained Dogs

 February 7 – 14 is “Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week”.   Debbie Henry, Director of Animal Angel Aid shares that its important for animal loving kids to learn, and know,  “they are the voice for those who cannot speak”.  Your voice matters for deserving animals in need, and every young child or teen can make a difference.   It’s a sad situation, but with your help and voice, it could have a happy ending for these dogs in need of love and rescue.

Do you own a dog you love with all your heart?   Do you have family or friends whose dog(s) are like family members?   Those are the truly lucky pooches.  t’s probably very hard to believe that any owned dog doesn’t live pampered, in a warm home, on soft blankets and beds, surrounded by toys, with daily treats/food/fresh water, and humans like you that love them so much.  

We’re going to tell you the story of “chained dogs” and what you as Pawtector Super Heroes, animal loving kids and teens, can do to make a difference for these forgotten dogs starting today.

Some dogs are not that lucky.   They don’t have Super Heroes, like you, who love them.  Their lives are hard and they struggle to survive, especially now in winter, a  Many owned dogs, and probably yours too, live pampered, in warm homes on soft blankets and beds surrounded by toys, with daily treats and food, and humans like you that love them so much.   Yet, for many more dogs, and even puppies, that aren’t even homeless, they fall into the category of “chained dogs”.   They wait every day for their Super Heroes to come save them !



Many of puppies and dogs around the world, possibly including your city, live attached to a chain their entire lives, every hour of every day.  They are kept in backyards, in cramped spaces, sometimes facing extreme cold or heat without shelter, food or even water.  Imagine Being tethered for long hours is detrimental to their physical and psychological health.  They are living, breathing and feeling creatures who need thrive on the love and companionship of their humans.  It is particularly heartbreaking to see dogs chained in a yard during the deepest freezes of winter where dogs suffer frostbite, exposure & dehydration when water sources freeze and the hottest days of summer.


Hard for many pet owners to believe believe, but chain dog owners don’t even acknowledge them as anything other than “animals” and rarely even spend more than a few minutes a day, if the dog(s) are so lucky.    Many of these desperate animals are not even provided fresh water or daily food, and are often found with old injuries like bone breaks that healed into severe disabilities.   



This is “A CHAINED DOG’S PLEA” – so emotionally written by www.budgetvetcare.com that we had to share. We hope it opens your heart, eyes and ears to what is happening in backyards all around the U.S. & beyond and inspires you to take action to help deserving, very desperate puppies & dogs. 


Here’s what a chained dog’s life is all about…

6:30 a.m.

It is early morning and I can say that because the members of my family are moving around in the house. I can hear them laughing and talking but no one is coming out to check on me. I wish I could be with them.

7:10 a.m.

I am awake since long. I am hungry and thirsty. I got tangled in my chain last and night and I am still tangled in it.

7:30 a.m.

My neck is hurting as the chain is too tight. I want to go out, play, exercise, be with my family but this chain is stopping me from even moving properly.

8:15 a.m.

It’s time for all to leave. Some will rush for the office and the youngest person in the family will go to school. Yes, I notice them all. I even try to run towards them hoping that they will notice me but as usual no one even paid attention to me.

8:20 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

I am still sitting here, confused, hungry and waiting for my family members to come. I am not sure what am I supposed to do? I want to protect the house so that I can be useful to them but I am stuck with this chain and that’s what frustrates me so I keep barking.

2:30 p.m.

Suddenly a man who looks like an officer arrives at our doorstep and posts a notice at the door of the house. Then he gives an odd look or a pitying look may be. Do I look bad? Yes, I may be but that look is confusing so I growl at him as I have no idea what else to react.

3:15 p.m.

Yay! the youngest person in the house has arrived. I wish he would play with me for a while and we could have a great time together. But he does not. I have to pee and poop at the same place every day in a bathroom, a few feet from my shelter.

6:10 p.m.

Okay now, all the members of my family are home. Thank god at least I won’t feel lonely at its peak. So you remember that man who gave me an odd look? He was the bylaw enforcement officer. I got to know this when one of the family members removed the notice and yelled at me to stop barking because they’re getting a legal notice.

7:00 p.m.

I am sad again and still embarrassed for being a reason for their inconvenience but trust me all I want is their attention. I smell food in the house. I am hungry and thirsty since morning. 

7:30 p.m.

My one of the family members comes out to see me and I feel so good.  He fills my food and water bowl. I become so happy that I can’t resist my excitement and I end up spilling a water bowl on his clothes. He becomes angry and again yells at me. He also says that it’s due to my such behavior he’s not willing to keep me in the house with him.

7:45 p.m.

It’s another shameful thing that I did. But I don’t understand why can’t they unchain me? Am I that bad? Did I harm anyone? No…Did I misbehave? No..Yes. I bark but that’s because I have no clue about what else to do…All I can do is stay chained and dream to get a day to get unchained.

8:15 p.m.

They had dinner and now I can hear them talking, listening to music and having great family time. Wish I could be a part of my own family who never considers me as their family member. As people say ‘Every dog has a day’ so I am waiting for my day to have my freedom. It’s another lonely night and I sleep while dreaming about being unchained.

There are many our of 50 states that have laws that actually allow this inhumane treatment to take place and protect owners.    Challenging these laws at the state level even today, often meet with resistance.    But that doesn’t stop animal rescues like the following from doing all they can to make a difference in the lives of these desperate dogs who are often some of the sweetest, those understandably human shy animals.    

Here is a table of State Dog Tether Laws so you can educate yourself on what’s happening legally in your own backyard.   If your state has laws that favor owners over their pets, we hope it inspires you to get involved and make a difference.

There are many rescues across the U.S. whose missions are to improve the lives of dogs when there is absolutely no other hope for these animals.    Some of these animal’s deplorable conditions are due to demographics, lack of owner resources or education.   In many backroads, rural areas, it’s an outdated mentality that an animal is simply “just an animal”.    But the sad part, is it’s not just rural areas as many think.   Even in thriving metropolitan areas, there’s daily chained dog abuse.   News reports during severe weather like tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzard snow, over the recent years, have often featured stories of dogs chained to fences on properties after owner’s left to seek shelter.   

It’s disturbing and emotional for the majority of animal rescue volunteers to get reports of these abused chained animals, especially when the animals are in desperate need of medical care but are left to die tethered because of abusive, uncaring owner.    Because they are owned, there’s often not much that can be done to convince an owner to change their method of care.  There are even areas of the U.S. where animal control officers are so overwhelmed, or outdated laws regard animals as “property” that these poor dogs fall through the cracks of society.   Groups and volunteers will often try every means to get an owner to relinquish the dog(s) to a rescue.   Some are successful, others aren’t.    

HOWS (House of Wood & Straw) Dog Shelter Projects- www.housesofwoodandstraw.org

HOWS (House of Wood & Straw) Dog Shelter Install project - www.housesofwoodandstraw.org

There are rescue/volunteer groups that exist to build shelters and fencing for these chained dogs to give them a step-up to a better day-to-day existence.    This too, is often met with resistance from the dog’s owners.

According to the Coalitions to Unchain Dogs in North Carolina, Beyond Fences (https://beyondfences.org/fence-program),  “By building free fences our fence program frees dogs living on chains and gives families and pets a safe place to strengthen their bond. Prior to building a fence, we provide free spay or neuter for each dog. We also supply each dog with a dog house, provide wheat straw during the cold winter months and tarps for shade in the summer heat. We’ve unchained over 2,200 dogs to date.”

As rescues, we can simply strive to continue to education the communities on animal compassion and care.   We also use every means on social media to educate people on the plight of these desperate chained dogs.    For many pet owners, they just can’t imagine that someone could treat an animal with such disrespect and lack of care.  

Here are some other things you can do to help chained dogs:

  • Adopt a dog.
  • Be the change.
  • Rescue a dogthat is forced to spend its days chained, confined or is unwanted.
  • Offer a doggyday in or out.
  • Offer to watch a friend’s dog.
  • Get him home on a cold day, or weather permitting, take him.
  • Contact your local rescue/shelter or animal control department if a dog/puppy is in danger and desperate need.

HOWS (House of Wood & Straw) Shelter/Fence project - www.housesofwoodandstraw.org

Helping chained dogs definitely takes a village.    If you are aware of situations in your community, but your local Animal Control Officer or shelter is unresponsive, reach out to organizations like the Animal League Defense Fund  www.aldf.org, the Humane Society of the United States www.humanesociety.org, The American Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals www.aspca.org , American Pets Alive, www.americanpetsalive.org.

So, encourage people to bring the dogs in this winter. A home is where they belong.

Will you have a heart for chained dogs? You may be the only one that ever has in their world. Your voice and actions CAN save a life!

Featured Rescues January 18 – 24

Featured Rescues January 18 – 24

Here at Animal Angel Aid, we love to feature adoptable animals from rescues across the country to help them get their #OverlookedRescueAngels adopted. Each week, our social media team searches for different rescues and shelters nationwide for these adoptable animal features. This week’s rescues are near and dear to our hearts because these are the rescues that you (our Facebook furriends) love and support! Do you know of a rescue or shelter that deserves a shoutout, or an animal who has been waiting far too long for a home? Reach out to us on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/AnimalAngelAid and let us know! We may feature your recommendation in the future. This week, January 18-24, we will be featuring animals from  the following rescues on our Facebook page:

MAS Rescue, MD


Maryland Animal Society is a small 501(c)(3) non-profit group doing business under the name MAS Rescue, Inc. It was founded in 2005 by Mary Snyder to fulfill her dream and passion to save animals. MAS Rescue is a group that is dedicated to helping shelter animals whose time has run out and whose destiny is deemed perilous. An all volunteer organization, we have a heartfelt desire to save as many animals as possible and work tirelessly to provide all the love and care they need. MAS Rescue has saved and placed over 5,000 dogs and cats in loving forever homes.

Animals come to us from local shelters, some from distant shelters, while still others are displaced homeless animals found wandering the streets. We rescue, treat and rehabilitate animals through placement in volunteer foster homes for the purpose of eventual adoption into permanent homes that are loving and responsible. They are socialized with children, other animals, and are exposed to everyday family life. We take each animal for a vet check and provide the recommended care (routine and/or medically necessary). If an animal is 22 weeks or more they will always be spayed/neutered.

We require an adoption application, a signed contract and a fee. We will complete regular follow-up, including veterinarian follow-up on your new companion. If you are interested in adopting any of our furry four-legged friends, click on “Adopt Here” on this website, read our polices and procedures carefully and complete an application. The animals hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for considering adoption from a rescue organization!

Last Hope Animal Rescue, NY


Last Hope, Inc. is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization that is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of death-due pound, stray and abandoned animals.

Through its many programs, Last Hope is attempting to reduce the tremendous cat and dog overpopulation problem on Long Island, encourage responsible and economical pet ownership, and transform the public image of the typical pound animal.

All animals in our programs are neutered before adoption so no Last Hope animal will ever contribute to the cat and dog overpopulation problem.

All dogs are rescued from local municipal town shelters (pounds). Our cats are either death-due pound rescues or are rescued after being abandoned on the streets.

Nicholas Pet Haven, TX


Nicholas Pet Haven was started by Nicholas Nash when he was only 13. He is now 21 and has helped rescue so many animals and made some major changes for the dogs and cats. Please support his efforts as we continue to grow. Our Adoption House is located at 12903 Hwy 155 South in Tyler. Come meet our sweet rescued babies available for adoption! We are open from 10am-2pm, Monday-Saturday. If you are interested but need to meet at a different time, please contact us at the phone number provided on our Facebook or by messaging us. Thank you for your support!

Habitat 4 Hounds, GA


Habitat 4 Hounds is a volunteer run, foster home based dog rescue. We are a GA state licensed, certified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Macon, GA. We do not have a physical shelter. Instead, we operate primarily through our foster homes and online databases. The majority of our dogs come from animal control facilities, where overcrowding leads to the euthanasia of millions of healthy, friendly pets every year. We are committed to providing the dogs that come into our rescue with love, structure and stability while they wait for their forever homes. We never euthanize animals due to space or time constraints. We also serve our community and adopters by educating and encouraging responsible pet ownership, with an emphasis on the need for spaying and neutering.

Pals For Paws, IN


Pals For Paws is a dog rescue group powered by an ALL-VOLUNTEER staff who are passionate about improving the lives of pets in their community. Our foster families provide homeless, abandoned, or abused pets with the love and training needed to heal their wounds, which allows them to make a successful transition into a new forever home.

Our MISSION is to reduce PET ABANDONMENT & OWNER SURRENDERS by holding adoption events, promoting low-cost spay/neuter programs, and by creating a compassionate, well-informed foster-home network. We are committed to creating a compassionate community where stray, abandoned, or neglected animals are non-existent; and where destroying animals is no longer used as a means of population control. Animals that are unwanted, abused, neglected, or ill; we are dedicated to ensuring their life from this point forward is an amazing one. 

This 501c3 NOT-FOR-PROFIT rescue proudly supports NO-KILL and PRO-SPAY/NEUTER philosophies. We rescue from high kill, overcrowded shelters from all over the United States. We vet, transport and foster pets until the perfect match is made between you and one of our adoptable pets! 

Pals for Paws is a 501(c)3 animal rescue. Every penny donated and every penny received through adoption fees goes right back into the organization. There are times when the volunteers have to dip into their pockets to help the animals. We do not euthanize because a pet is sick, heart-worm positive, or has a broken leg; we fix it all, big and small. We strive to go above and beyond when caring for and socializing our animals. We understand the importance of getting to know each and every animal available for adoption in an effort to place them in the most perfect home possible.

Homeless Animal Rescue Team, VA


HART is a non-profit 501(c)(3) no-kill animal rescue/support group, incorporated in 1990, that takes in and rehomes abused and unwanted dogs and cats. HART works with local veterinarians, foster homes, kennels, and trainers to provide temporary housing, medical care and, where appropriate, training for our animals until s/he is placed in a loving, carefully-screened new home. HART takes in older, sick, and injured animals as well as the readily adoptable and never takes just the pups and kittens, leaving mom behind. We seek to direct our resources where they are most needed and to alleviate or prevent suffering wherever we find it.

In carrying out our work, HART also helps people who require assistance relating to their pets due to failing health, financial reverses or other personal circumstances. To the extent possible, HART works with senior and indigent persons to enable these owners to keep their companion animals. HART also helps those who can no longer keep their pets by finding a responsible and loving new home for the animal. Finally, HART helps people who themselves rescue a dog or cat in distress, but are unable to provide long-term care for him/her, by relieving the rescuer of the emotional burden of turning the animal over to a public shelter where it may well be put to death.

HART operates with modest overhead expenses, thanks in large part to our strong volunteer corps. We maintain a minimally-staffed office, which has proven to be the most effective way of housing our organization, establishing a focal point for administering our programs, while providing the community convenient access to HART. The lion’s share of our revenues, 98.1% in the last reporting period, goes directly to benefit our dogs and cats. Many services and supplies are donated and our largest expenditures, veterinary services and boarding, are discounted. While these expenses are a necessary incident to HART’s work, we are constantly seeking – and finding – new ways of helping more animals with the resources available.

Animal Friends of Barbour County, WV


ANIMAL FRIENDS OF BARBOUR COUNTY is an organization of volunteers who are dedicated to saving the lives of surrendered, abused, neglected and stray companion animals in our rural West Virginia community.

As of July 1, 2019, our organization entered its 18th year of operation. While we’re justifiably proud of the work we’ve accomplished, we remain focused on the reality of the tasks still at hand.

Each of our volunteers takes pride in knowing that, because of our efforts, and the efforts of our network of rescue groups, thousands of Barbour County companion animals have found homes with families that love and cherish them.

We are a nonprofit organization (501(3)(c) certified), that relies solely on generous donors, an ambitious fund raising agenda and grant money to finance our operation. If you would like to help us continue our work on behalf of the animals, please click on the “How You Can Help” link in the list on the left to get more information.

Days End Farm Horse Rescue, MD


Since its founding, Days End Farm Horse Rescue (DEFHR) has gone from a small non-profit sheltering a few horses to a full-scale, well-respected national rescue and rehabilitation facility sheltering 110 to 150 horses annually. All horses come through animal protection agencies from across Maryland and surrounding states.

After their rehabilitation, the horses are evaluated and provided the training needed to best prepare them for adoption. DEFHR utilizes principles of natural horsemanship in an effort to help each horse realize its full potential as an equine partner.

The mission of Days End Farm Horse Rescue (DEFHR) is not only to rescue and rehabilitate suffering horses, but to prevent abuse and neglect through education and community outreach. DEFHR offers a wide variety of educational programs and internships, providing opportunities for experiential learning. DEFHR also shares online resources for learning about equine welfare, rescue and rehabilitation.

DEFHR’s successes are not possible without the hard work of many dedicated volunteers. Volunteers provide over 50,000 hours of service each year helping to rescue and rehabilitate horses, educating the community about equine abuse and neglect, and raising funds to provide for future horses in need. DEFHR offers a wide range of volunteer options, giving volunteers of all ages and abilities the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of abused and neglected horses.

Pigsburgh Squealers Rescue, PA


Pigsburgh Squealers Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit pig rescue near Pittsburgh PA. Our mission is to provide a safe environment for pet pigs that are rescued from situations of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. PSR strives to educate the public about pigs as pets, advocating that compassion for animals is a basic moral necessity.

We attend events throughout the region to show Pittsburghers how wonderful pigs really are. We are mini pig hoof and tusk farriers, attend birthday parties and animal events, and regularly host open houses at our property in Tarentum.

Pigsburgh Squealers Rescue’s long term goals:

  • Promote mini pigs as the third recognized domesticated animal and pet by providing education and resources to the general public.
  • Provide a safe home for rescued mini pigs, a place for rehabilitation of pigs; and a welcoming environment for the community to become better acquainted with animals associated with food.
  • Educate the community about mini pigs as creatures and pets.
  • Educate the community about farm animals through volunteer programs, organization visits to our farm (schools, etc.), and allow community to work directly with the animals to learn more about them.
  • Educate the community about sustainable food options; farm animals are more than dinner, and educational programs are paramount in creating change within the food industry.
  • Create outreach program for children with disabilities.
  • Lobby for certain townships and boroughs to amend zoning restrictions on mini pigs where pigs are considered livestock and not allowed. Homeowners may amend individual zoning on their home, but process is difficult and doesn’t yield results.

Featured Rescues January 11-17, 2021

Featured Rescues January 11-17, 2021

Here at Animal Angel Aid, we love to feature adoptable animals from rescues across the country to help them get their #OverlookedRescueAngels adopted. Each week, our social media team searches for different rescues and shelters nationwide for these adoptable animal features! Do you know of a rescue or shelter that deserves a shoutout, or an animal who has been waiting far too long for a home? Reach out to us on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/AnimalAngelAid and let us know! We may feature your recommendation in the future. This week, January 11 – 17, we will be featuring animals from  the following rescues on our Facebook page:

Gray Faces Acres, VA


Gray Face Acres Senior Dog Rescue is an all volunteer 501c3 organization that is dedicated to rescuing senior dogs from shelters and situations of abuse and neglect . We are also dedicated to helping people keep and care for their canine companions through the A Hand Up program.  We currently have a foster network in the DC/MD/VA/WV as well as GFA West in Idaho Falls.

Gray Face Acres was established in 2016 by Debbie and Bob Gretz.  After many years in rescue,   Debbie realized there was a real need for a safe space for seniors so she started a rescue geared toward older dogs.  We are now a foster based rescue in MD, DC, VA and WV.  Gray Face Acres is completely volunteer run and donation driven.  If there are senior dogs in need, whether in a shelter or a home, we want to support dog’s needs.

Sometimes that means rescuing the dog and getting it medically treated and into a loving furever home. Other times it means offering food and supplies to help keep a pet in their current home.  Saving dogs is our mission and giving each dog the loving  life they deserve is our goal.  Gray Face Acres has saved over 400 dogs and we strive, everyday , to save more!

Darby’s Pals Rescue, TX


Darby’s Pals Rescue began quite informally in 1994 in the southeast Dallas area as simply a good-hearted gesture to take in a little Yorkie-Pomeranian mix dog who’d been terribly abused by both an owner and a groomer……..the dog’s name was DARBY……and thus began this great adventure! Our blessed sanctuary is now home to approximately 60 dogs and 25 cats (including the ferals), and our no-kill policy is of utmost importance. As much as we wish to find loving and permanent homes for all our animal friends, we especially cherish the hearts & lives of our “kids” who have been challenged with issues of physical impairment, neglect, abuse, abandonment, and aging. Our ultimate goal is to provide the best care possible for every single “Darby’s pal”—whether we end up matching it with that “perfect new family”, or just need to keep it safe here…..we strongly believe in doing whatever it takes to honor and cherish these precious lives of God’s creatures.

We are incorporated in Kaufman County with the state of Texas, and are a 501(c)3 IRS-recognized charitable organization. Though we are indeed a non-profit entity, we still fund this organization largely out-of-pocket….and humbly welcome any monetary or gift card donations offered—which of course with your receipt, are tax-deductible. Additionally, our supporters can also contribute directly to our account at Kaufman Veterinary Center in Kaufman, TX at 1700 East Mulberry Street, 75142, phone number 972-932-3278 (c/o Darby’s Pals Rescue)

Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue, VA


Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue (SSR) was founded in 2017 and is a 501c3, all-volunteer rescue focused primarily on the rescue of German Shepherd Dogs. We are based out of the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, but expand our reach and work to save German Shepherd Dogs in heavily populated areas throughout the country. Many of our members have been saving dogs all over the world for years. Our hope is to help rescue, rehabilitate and re-home every German Shepherd in need. After years of dedicating our lives to other rescues, we decided to venture into our own rescue to expand our reach to places like Texas with a high population of homeless dogs and bring them to the east coast where they are more adoptable. We have a strong passion to help the breed, but would like to extend a helping hand to other dogs in need when we have the abilities. We are very passionate in our belief that every dog deserves a chance at life in a good home, no matter where they come from.

Bishop SPCA Florida, FL


Bishop Animal Shelter S.P.C.A. of Manatee County, FL Inc. is a privately funded nonprofit organization.

It is a no-kill adoption facility that is dedicated to finding homes for cats, dogs, small animals, and birds.

Their mission is to promote the compassionate treatment of companion animals in Manatee County and surrounding areas through progressive leadership, collaboration, and education.

Moe Moe’s Rescue of the Rockies, CO


Moe Moe’s Rescue of the Rockies was founded by Heather Heren on March 1, 2016 in honor of her beloved bulldog, Molly. Molly (lovingly referred to as Moe-Moe) had a whole host of health issues, likely from being used for breeding. To Heather, she was perfect. Heather took great care of her until she passed, and then decided to continue to rescue dogs in her memory. 

“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” ~ Jamie Anderson

Moe Moe’s isa licensed 501c3 and their EIN # is 30-0780220

Every Dog’s Dream, NY


We believe that every animal, even those in the poorest conditions, deserves the respect, and the opportunity to find a second chance with a forever family. We are a group of compassionate people, volunteering our time, funds and hearts to help our animals find the best emotional, mental and physical health and well-being, until they are adopted by a loving family. Every Dog’s Dream Rescue, Inc is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit, run entirely on donations from our community.

At Every Dog’s Dream, it takes an army. And we have the best Army around. Our rescue is run entirely by volunteers, who dedicate their time, hearts and homes to the caring of our animals. Here at Every Dog’s Dream we are always searching for eager new volunteers to do everything from cleaning and working at the center, to fostering and clerical work.

Every Dog’s Dream Rescue can’t function without all of our amazing volunteers. They open their hearts and homes, and give up their time and money to see that our rescue continues to succeed through the bad and the good. Each month we invite you to join us in celebrating a few of our volunteers, and learning about what they each bring to our rescue.

“How I love these special moments, here at a morning cleaning in the adoption center. The love I give our dogs is reciprocated ten-fold by babies. How can I not just love it? Love our dogs, love our mission. Life is good!”

– Dave Staff, Volunteer & Foster

Almost Home Canine Rescue, SD


Almost Home Canine Rescue is dedicated to assisting, rescuing, fostering, and providing a lifetime of love and care for unwanted, homeless, abused, or neglected pets. Our cat and dog rescue services in Sioux Falls pair local pets with loving homes.

Almost Home Canine Rescue was founded in Madison, SD. In Early 2018, the group was reestablished in the Sioux Falls, SD area by a group of passionate animal lovers. While we will now be based in Sioux Falls, we will continue to have a large presence in Madison through community/DSU Events and assisting the Madison Animal Shelter.

AHCR is a 501c3 non-profit organization that is 100% volunteer-run and serves to help abandoned animals find new homes. Any of our board members would be glad to answer any questions through the main ​Almost Home Facebook Messenger or at info@almosthomecaninerescue.com.

Adopt a Cat Foundation, FL


Adopt A Cat is the only No-Kill cat shelter in Palm Beach County.  We are committed to saving the lives of street cats, cats left behind, and cats found abandoned and abused by housing them, providing them with nourishing meals, excellent veterinary care, and finding them forever homes.  we are a volunteer-run charity and depend entirely on donations from individuals and corporations for support, we receive no county or government monies.  Our commitment to the cats and kittens that come to us is for their lives.  needless to say, we need all the volunteers and donations we get and are most grateful. 

Please come see our cats and learn more about the cat community here in Palm Beach County.  Also, learn more and sign up to volunteer from one hour to as many as you can either in our shelter which is in Lake Park, or our thrift store in Juno Beach!

Another Chance Cat Rescue, MO


If a stray or feral cat survives kitten hood, the average lifespan is less than two years whereas a pet cats can live anywhere from 12-20 years! We at ACCR believe that every cat and kitten deserve a second chance at life to enjoy and experience the comfort and safety of a forever home. All rescue personal are strictly volunteer and work tirelessly for the love and safety of these helpless and suffering animals.

Another Chance Cat Rescue was founded on 7-7-2011 by Mina as a no kill free roaming shelter ran by volunteers . We do not receive grants at this time and operate solely from donations and adoption fees. We take many animals off the streets and save many of our foster babies from euthanasia at kill shelters. We manage 225 plus feral cats throughout the city . Managing includes spay neuter and providing food water daily and shelters to the feral cat colonies.

If you would like to donate to our cause we are a 501C3 tax deductible organization  . Please send donations to Another Chance Cat Rescue P.O. Box 8526 Kansas City, MO 64114. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers needed 8 to noon, 7 days a week.

Popcorn Park / AHS, NJ


The mission of the Associated Humane Societies, Inc., including Popcorn Park Zoo, is to consistently provide the highest quality of care to all animals, domestic and wildlife, including their rescue, housing, veterinary care, placement whenever possible, and when required, a peaceful end.  It is also our mission to prevent cruelty to all animals, primarily in New Jersey, but also throughout the United States. This shall be done through direct intervention as well as the promotion of humane education regarding the proper care and treatment of animals at both public and private levels, thereby advancing the humane treatment of animals everywhere.

The Associated Humane Societies features cats, dogs, kittens and puppies for adoption at our three shelters located in Newark, Forked River, and Tinton Falls. Small animals such as guinea pigs, hamsters, and rabbits may occasionally be available for adoption as well. The Society takes in approximately 15,000 animals annually, and although that figure includes wildlife, the larger proportion is cats and dogs who wait for their `forever home’.

Purrfect Haven Cat Rescue, DE


Purrfect Haven Cat Rescue is a private not-for-profit no-kill charitable organization created in 2005 to improve cat welfare through education, adoption, medical and social rehabilitation, and spay and neuter. We are devoted to rehabilitating and placing abandoned and homeless cats and kittens through our network of foster homes and public adoptions.

We specialize in rescuing the animals that other organizations are unable to help.  Many of our cats come to us with medical and behavioral problems that while treatable, would over-burden the capabilities of large, high-volume shelters.  These animals need the individual attention offered to all of our residents through our foster home network and working relationship with local veterinary hospitals.  All Purrfect Haven cats undergo extremely thorough medical evaluations and testing before being placed for adoption.  Our team works hard to ensure our cats are as healthy as possible before placing them up for public adoption. 


All of our cats have been fostered in private homes and will never go up for adoption straight off the street.  We know their personalities and preferences, likes and dislikes, and any special needs they may have.  This information helps us to ensure that each cat is matched with the perfect family during the adoption process.

Pigsburgh Squealers Rescue, PA


Pigsburgh Squealers Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit pig rescue near Pittsburgh PA. Our mission is to provide a safe environment for pet pigs that are rescued from situations of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. PSR strives to educate the public about pigs as pets, advocating that compassion for animals is a basic moral necessity.

We attend events throughout the region to show Pittsburghers how wonderful pigs really are. We are mini pig hoof and tusk farriers, attend birthday parties and animal events, and regularly host open houses at our property in Tarentum.

Pigsburgh Squealers Rescue’s long term goals:

  • Promote mini pigs as the third recognized domesticated animal and pet by providing education and resources to the general public.
  • Provide a safe home for rescued mini pigs, a place for rehabilitation of pigs; and a welcoming environment for the community to become better acquainted with animals associated with food.
  • Educate the community about mini pigs as creatures and pets.
  • Educate the community about farm animals through volunteer programs, organization visits to our farm (schools, etc.), and allow community to work directly with the animals to learn more about them.
  • Educate the community about sustainable food options; farm animals are more than dinner, and educational programs are paramount in creating change within the food industry.
  • Create outreach program for children with disabilities.
  • Lobby for certain townships and boroughs to amend zoning restrictions on mini pigs where pigs are considered livestock and not allowed. Homeowners may amend individual zoning on their home, but process is difficult and doesn’t yield results.

Tiny Tails and Scales, WA


We are a foster based rescue in Washington State. We currently are able to take in owner surrenders of small exotic animals and reptiles. No large animals or cats and dogs can be accepted at this time.

Tiny Tails and Scales is currently full and is looking for fosters! Do you have room in your home and heart for a guinea pig, ferret, bearded dragon, rat, etc? Apply to foster here: https://forms.gle/FqEhdLRz3CaTz9ZG9

Rabbit and Small Animal Rescue, MI


RASA is a 501(c)3 non profit NO KILL small animal rescue.  Our dedicated group of fosters and volunteers provide shelter and rehabilitation for abandoned and unwanted “pocket pets”.  We take exceptional care of every animal in our rescue and pride ourselves on upholding our motto “Transforming the neglected, abused, unwanted and abandoned into the loved, sheltered, happy and content”.  In some cases this means it will take months of patient interactions with our rescues to help them overcome whatever they have been through. Our vetting is extremely high due to being a no-kill rescue.

Featured Rescues January 4-10, 2021

Featured Rescues January 4-10, 2021

Here at Animal Angel Aid, we love to feature adoptable animals from rescues across the country to help them get their #OverlookedRescueAngels adopted. Each week, our social media team searches for different rescues and shelters nationwide for these adoptable animal features! Do you know of a rescue or shelter that deserves a shoutout, or an animal who has been waiting far too long for a home? Reach out to us on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/AnimalAngelAid and let us know! We may feature your recommendation in the future. This week, January 4 – 10, we will be featuring animals from  the following rescues on our Facebook page:

Operation CARE – Carolina Animal Rescue Effort, SC:


Operation C.A.R.E. (Carolina Animal Rescue Effort) is a Rock Hill, SC non-profit, NO KILL, 501c3 all volunteer animal welfare organization saving animals in the Carolinas since 1990. Our Rescue-Adoption Program focuses primarily on the rescue of animals from high kill rural area shelters. However, we do occasionally attempt to help good Samaritans in the community who have found homeless or abandoned animals who are destined for shelters. Donations make it possible for us to continue our efforts. We are solely supported by donations and receive no other funding. Animals up for adoption through Operation C.A.R.E. have been fully vaccinated and spayed or neutered. Dogs have been tested for heartworms and cats have been tested for FeLV and FIV. These animals are cared for in foster homes where their personality and behavior can be assessed for the most appropriate permanent home.

Our mission is to minimize the need for euthanasia of healthy, adoptable pets in local Carolina shelters by providing a low-cost spay/neuter option to people in the community and by providing temporary care for homeless animals until they can be placed in quality permanent homes.

Adoptable Animals: dogs, cats, horses, small animals, barnyard

Lewis County Humane Society, NY:


The Lewis County Humane Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation which owns and operates a no-kill animal shelter on the Pine Grove Rd in Glenfield, NY.  Our shelter relies on the generosity of our supporters because shelter expenses far exceed our revenue.  We greatly appreciate all your support which enables us to care for and find new homes for all the wonderful animals at our shelter.

The Lewis County Humane Society’s mission is to prevent cruelty and abuse in Lewis County and to provide education on humane treatment of animals to both adults and children of Lewis County.

Adoptable Animals: dogs and cats.

Every Pet Needs a Home, OH:


Every Pet Needs a Home is based out of the state of Ohio. We are registered with the Secretary of State as a Non Profit. We are also registered with the Department of Agriculture and are a tax exempt 501(c)(3). Every Pet Needs a Home is foster based and we do not currently have a shelter. We believe this to be beneficial because every animal that comes into the rescue receives focused care and we are able to see the animal’s full personality to find them the perfect placement. Our rescue is not species or breed specific and aim to help every animal who needs our help.

Adoptable Animals: small animals, dogs, cats.

Washington Alaskan Malamute Adoption League, WA:


Washington Alaskan Malamute Adoption League (WAMAL) was formed in 1998 by Cindy Neely to help with Malamute Rescue in Washington State and since then has expanded into Oregon.  WAMAL rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes Malamutes (or Mal-enough-a-mutes!) who, through no fault of their own, find themselves without a home or in need of a new home.

Serving the greater Northwest we are also part of a national rescue network, AMAL, that covers other areas of the US. WAMAL provides hope to families that must rehome their malamutes when life has taken a sharp detour; training support to those families desperately working to keep their 4-legged family members; works with shelters and takes into rescue strays and those pups needing an extra level of thoroughness in the adoption process; and, actively recruits adopters and foster homes.

We are a 100% volunteer run, 501c.3 non-profit organization that is celebrating over 20 years!  Our volunteers come from all walks of life and locations and WAMAL is only able to do what we do because of this generous and dedicated team of volunteers.  They truly make it possible to save the lives of this gentle, stubborn, and loving working breed. WAMAL has rescued many hundreds of malamutes to date and each holds a place in our hearts.

Adoptable Animals: dogs

South Woods Humane Society, WI:


The South Wood County Humane Society is a non-profit animal protection organization. Our mission is to build a stronger bond between people and pets through education and adoption with the goal of promoting the spay and neuter of animals to help reduce pet over-population.

The Humane Society was originally located on Pepper Ave in Wisconsin Rapids. In 2011, we purchased a new facility thanks to the generosity of donors and grantmakers who supported our capital campaign. The new building has three times the square footage, separate housing for adoptable, stray, aggressive and quarantined pets, a nursery for new feline moms and babies and a medical room for spay and neuter surgery. In additional the Helen Mead Educational Center located on our property serves as a meeting space and a classroom for pet education programs.

Adoptable Animals: cats, dogs, and small animals.

FurKids, GA:


Furkids, headquartered in Atlanta, GA, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization that operates the largest cage-free, no-kill shelter in the Southeast for rescued cats and Sadie’s Place, a no-kill shelter for dogs. Furkids also operates one of the only facilities in the Southeast dedicated to the care of FIV positive cats. The Furkids mission is to rescue homeless animals, provide them with the best medical care and nurturing environment while working to find them a forever home. Furkids heals the whole animal, physically and emotionally, restoring its health and its spirit.

Furkids is the only animal rescue organization in metro Atlanta that allows children of all ages to volunteer.  Furkids volunteer programs are designed to restore the health and spirits of injured and homeless animals while providing healing opportunities for volunteers who are strengthened by the bond of love and care between humans and animals.

Adoptable Animals: cats and dogs

Sammie’s Friends, CA:


Sammie’s Friends vision is to be a safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes. They are located in Grass County, CA.

Sammie (March 31, 1991 – February 23, 2007) was the inspiration for Sammie’s Friends, a nonprofit founded by Cheryl Wicks and Curt Romander to provide medical care for the animals at the Nevada County Animal Shelter.

Because of this amazing creature many animals’ lives have been saved in this community.  We, the animals and humans alike, are fortunate to have had him touch our lives.

Adoptable Animals: dogs, cats, horses, and others

Animal Adoption League, NC:


The Animal Adoption League (AAL) is a 501(c)3 non-profit group organized in 1992 by a group of caring individuals. The mission of the Animal Adoption League (AAL) is to provide veterinary care and temporary-to-permanent housing for homeless and rescued animals; to provide the best adoptive situation and outlet for the permanent placement of these animals; to educate the general public in the importance of reducing pet overpopulation through spay/neuter programs along with the care and overall welfare of animals; and to work towards the ultimate goal of compassionate, humane treatment for all.

Adoptable Animals: cats and dogs

CNY Cat Coalition, NY:


The CNY Cat Coalition was founded in 2002 and is one of Central New York’s largest cat rescue/adoption and spay/neuter promoters.

Our mission is to change the world for homeless and at-risk cats—four paws at a time. We are a 100% volunteer organization comprising dozens of foster homes and hundreds of active volunteers who help manage all of our life-saving programs. In 2019, we found new adoptive homes for nearly 800 homeless cats and facilitated spay/neuter surgeries for around 2,200 cats—preventing thousands of unwanted kittens!

CNYCC is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization and is a New York State Registered Shelter/Rescue—Registration No. RR099. Our tax ID number is 06-1688749.

Adoptable Animals: cats

Animal Allies Florida, FL:


Animal Allies Florida was founded in December 2010 to help animals in our community.  Many of us had been doing this work for years on our own, out of our own pockets.  By creating Animal Allies, we can apply for grants, fundraise and join programs that support our efforts.  We can combine forces, share knowledge, and support each other, instead of trudging along on our own. Originally called Emerald Coast Animal Allies or ECAA for short, we changed our name in 2015 because many people though ECAA meant Escambia County Animal Shelter.  Although we support the county animal shelter’s efforts to become no kill, we don’t wish to be associated with them because we ARE NO KILL meaning no healthy animal is put down.

Adoptable Animals: cats, dogs, small animals.

Save the Animals Foundation, OH:


Funded entirely by donations and operated by volunteers, our no-kill shelter currently homes over 300 dogs and cats, many of whom have been abused, abandoned or literally tossed away. Teams of volunteers work with the animals two shifts a day, 365 days a year, providing them with a safe and caring environment until we can place them in permanent, loving homes. Over the years we have matched thousands of lucky animals with equally lucky families.

Adoptable Animals: cats and dogs

The Rabbit Resource, NY:


THE Rabbit Resource, Inc. is a fully licensed chapter of the House Rabbit Society (HRS), and has been in existence for 20 years. HRS policies and protocols are followed, and we embrace the philosophy that every rabbit deserves a loving, indoor home. We are proud of the collaborative relationships we have built over the years with the following shelter programs: Erie County SPCA, Lollypop Farms of Rochester, Cortland SPCA, Tompkins County SPCA, Springfarm CARES, Stevens-Swan Humane Society, Scotia APF, Saratoga Shelter, Ulster County SPCA, Warwick SPCA, and Humane Society of Port Jervis/Deerpark. We prioritize the rescue of strays, and work with abused and neglected rabbits, as well as those with emotional or medical needs identified by these shelters. Any inquiries should be directed to the Executive Director of CNYSPCA, Syracuse. (315) 454-4479, ext. 100.

Adoptable Animals: rabbits

MSPCA at Nevins Farm, MA:


MSPCA is a non-profit organization that protects animals, relieves their suffering, advances their health and welfare, prevents cruelty, and works for a just and compassionate society. Nevins Farm is located in Methuen, MA. 

Adoptable Animals: barnyard, small animals, dogs, cats

Friends of Unwanted Rabbits, CA:


Friends of Unwanted Rabbits (FUR) is a rabbit rescue organization founded in 2004. We are dedicated to finding forever, loving, indoor homes for abandoned and neglected rabbits dumped at local area shelters. Our goal is to increase public awareness of these intelligent, social creatures as house pets. We are committed to improving the lives of companion rabbits through education on proper rabbit care. We support spaying and neutering rabbits to improve overall health, behavior and to decrease overpopulation.

FUR rescues rabbits abandoned at local area shelters. The main shelter we rescue from is the Bradshaw Animal Shelter. Rabbits are spayed/neutered and placed in temporary foster homes where they receive much needed TLC while they recover. All rabbits are litter box trained and socialized before being housed at PetCo adoption center, located at 855 East Bidwell Street in Folsom, CA. Some of our rabbits stay in foster homes until they are adopted and are not housed at PetCo due to their size and/or special needs. Volunteers care for the rescued rabbits housed at PetCo and provide exercise and socialization time outside their cages. The rabbits are adopted to carefully screened indoor homes by FUR volunteers.

Adoptable Animals: rabbits